So, many likely already know this, but for National Coming Out Day — I'm non-binary, asexual (though gay leaning), and furry. So, hi =^-^=
— myuu (@byuu_nyan) October 11, 2017
Hiya, I'm myuu! The fursona of byuu. Most see me and think 'cat', but you should know that I'm also part dragon! Mrawr! =^..^=
— myuu (@byuu_nyan) November 8, 2017
Here's a refsheet of me ... although between us, this was taken when I was a bit younger ^-^; I'm about 20% taller now! :3
— myuu (@byuu_nyan) November 8, 2017
... I've also been known to bleach my hair from time to time for a bit of a different look =^-^=
— myuu (@byuu_nyan) November 8, 2017
Here's a few face shots of me. I don't much care for being made to feel like the middle ones, so please be kind, okay? :3
— myuu (@byuu_nyan) November 8, 2017
(My artwork is courtesy of the very talented holland lop, Talilly! Find more of her work at )
— myuu (@byuu_nyan) November 8, 2017
I notice a recurring divisive undertone in the trans community, this sense of who's "trans enough" to belong. And it does irreparable damage to most of us that question our identities. I believe this is a protective response triggered by being oppressed so heavily by society.
— myuu (@byuu_nyan) November 13, 2017
That you're not legitimate unless you've had SRS, or are on HRT, or had these feelings since early childhood, or are not autogynephilic, or present in public full-time, or pass, or are young enough, or that you must be suicidal, etc etc.
— myuu (@byuu_nyan) November 13, 2017
But it's not rational to set the bar exactly where you're at. To expect total acceptance by society right at your level -- whatever it is -- but deny that same acceptance to anyone even one notch below you on your self-conceived hierarchy of what it means to be trans.
— myuu (@byuu_nyan) November 13, 2017
These are the behaviors of someone deeply repressed and questioning of their *own* validity, and that comes from the attitudes of the general public toward all of us. You see this same kind of "victims become the oppressors" mentality in *all* aspects of discrimination in life.
— myuu (@byuu_nyan) November 13, 2017
It stems from the false belief that society just *maybe*, might *possibly*, tolerate them. Maybe one day. But each bit more of tolerance turns more people away, and tolerating anyone "beneath" them will turn away more members of society. So they're compelled to draw a line.
— myuu (@byuu_nyan) November 13, 2017
Heck, you even have the LG turning away the BT. And the LGB turning away the T. But this is a false dichotomy. Our oppressors are just using classic divide and conquer techniques against us. And we're so desperate for acceptance that some of us fall for it.
— myuu (@byuu_nyan) November 13, 2017
A particular trans division that bothers me is with autogynephilia: having sexual feelings about being the opposite gender. This is deemed "lesser" than a trans person that doesn't, simply because society is so incredibly sex-negative.
— myuu (@byuu_nyan) November 13, 2017
But so what? This isn't even a trans-specific phenomenon. The brain just forms links to paraphilias (fetishes) without any discernible rhyme or reason. It means nothing, and it's nothing to be ashamed about if it's not hurting others.
— myuu (@byuu_nyan) November 13, 2017
I've seen it repeatedly in other fetishy groups: people who decide to move on to indulge their kinks 24/7, whatever they may be. And the same thing always happens: with the constant exposure, the sexual impetus fades away and vanishes over time.
— myuu (@byuu_nyan) November 13, 2017
This doesn't suddenly make them lose all interest. In fact, almost always, they're greatly *relieved* to not have those sexualized feelings anymore! There was a genuine interest in whatever it was beforehand that remains afterward. The same is doubly true for autogynephilia.
— myuu (@byuu_nyan) November 13, 2017
And in rare cases, maybe someone indulges, and loses interest. Well, great! You don't *have* to be trans if you decide later you don't want to be. Exploring oneself in this regard isn't a one-way street. There's a million safeguards (more like roadblocks) to transitioning.
— myuu (@byuu_nyan) November 13, 2017
By the time you get to the irreversible, extremely expensive stages like FFS or SRS, you're already several years into this. That's enough time to work with therapists and sort out your true feelings. Nobody's gonna be stuck with permanent regrets for exploring this.
— myuu (@byuu_nyan) November 13, 2017
So you know, just be yourself. If you are wondering if you're "trans enough" -- then the answer is you already are enough to explore. And if someone is "less trans" than you, they're just as valid as you are. We're so much stronger if we support all of us together.
— myuu (@byuu_nyan) November 13, 2017
Read the article. I'm fucking furious. How fucking dare they. EXPLICITLY, having an autism diagnosis is a barrier to attaining gender transition. EXPLICITLY. …
— sparkle fag knife twink (Fia) (@Funovan) April 21, 2018
This is exactly the kind of gatekeeping bullshit that led me to DIY.
— myuu (@byuu_nyan) April 21, 2018
No one has taken their life because they got access to HRT and regretted ending up with slightly softer skin, thinner body hair, and a bit of chest growth. Now compare to how many have because of being denied care by gatekeeping *fucks* like this ***rage*** D:<
— myuu (@byuu_nyan) April 21, 2018
If you live in Ireland or elsewhere and have tried, and failed, to get help:
— myuu (@byuu_nyan) April 21, 2018
Eventually there's going to be a DSM/ICD entry for "trans furry programmer with ADHD" as its own archetype, and suddenly most of my social circle will have a succinct label to describe us fully. Along with a couple, "but wait, I'm all but one of those!!.... ooooooh" revelations.
— myuu (@byuu_nyan) May 2, 2018